OAK continued

CHESTNUT, ELM, and PINE. The individual is bent over with exertion and one-sided activity. PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASE MAY EXCEED THE STRENGH OF WILLPOWER TO WORK OVER THE NEED TO ENJOY HEALTHY DIVERSIONS AND CREATIVE RELAXATION. One perseveres in one's duties at the expense of one's health (CENTAURY). The issues of self-discipline, serious intention, loyalty, and overwork abound for these individuals, as well as focusing on completing tasks and commitment. There is a reluctance to appear weak in front of others. This state has high ideals and it never occurs to the individual that one can get to heaven on playfulness also. Therefore the remedy is good to give if someone is in need of perseverance after a long illness or in physical therapy. It is a deeper state than elm.

OLIVE — This remedy show total exhaustion of mind and body after a great strain or nursing the sick. LOWERED KIDNEY FUNCTION is seen and LOWERED OXYGEN LEVELS IN THE BLOOD as well as TOXIC INTESTINAL FLORA and ALCOHOLISM. The Olive state is always a call to humility, and a challenge to deal with one's vital energy as well. This remedy will help to deal with stress with stamina and joy. The remedy belongs to the group LACK OF INTEREST IN PRESENT

CIRCUMSTANCES along with CLEMATIS, HONEYSUCKLE, WILD ROSE, WHITE CHESTNUT, CHESTNUT BUD, and MUSTARD. There is weariness of mind, body, and emotions, and rest and recuperation are called for. Apathy can be present, one starts a task and doesn't finish it. Those in social services or suffering from prolonged illness.

PINE — This state has much GUILT and DESPAIR along with CRABAPPLE, OAK, WILLOW, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, SWEET CHESTNUT, ELM, AND LARCH. The person in a Pine state also is susceptible to regret, self-reproach, and self-blame. OCD, GASTRIC AND DUODENAL ULCERS, IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, ASTHMA, AND INSOMNIA can be seen along with other remedies such as MUSTARD AND WHITE CHESTNUT. ITCHING, as well as the aforementioned symptoms, can be seen if there is deep seated conflict being expressed through the body. There is a masochistic desire to sacrifice the self as one clings to guilt.

RED CHESTNUT — This remedy belongs to the group OVERLY CONCERNED FOR THE WELFARE OF OTHERS like Calcarea Carbonica. They suffer for those they love, and even feel their pain. But things always work out differently than we expect and we cannot control another's destiny. Red Chestnut is a good remedy for codependents and enablers. One must learn to have faith that each person will find their way. Good remedy for countertransference. It is similar to Chicory but much more selfless. But there is great attachment to those held dear. Overprotection and self-sacrifice are common in this state. The person is even afraid of harmless symptoms, and constantly tells their children to "be careful". Red Chestnut also belongs to the group (continued)