HOLLY — This remedy is used to transform jealousy, hatred, and envy. It infuses a sense of Divine Love. It is close to the shadow side of envy as seen, for example, in business competition and spiritual practicioners. Holly is for everything that is not love. Sibling rivalry is a very good example of this state. Active anger is Holly and passive is Wild Oat. Holly opens the heart. The individual may experience “frazzled nerves” due to an overstimulating environment, especially noise and turmoil. There is a conflict experienced because if the anger is expressed others may suffer and if held within, the peson who is angry feels the pain. TENSION HEADACHES, MIGRAINES, PARANOIA, DELUSIONS, and ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS. Much violence and abuse originate in this state and may manifest even if not wished for. It is also excellent for people with good intentions who are easily annoyed. The projected anger causes the individual to see disturbances or people as a threat. These strong emotions can rule the self and create much suffering.

HORNBEAM — This remedy is for THOSE WHO SUFFER UNCERTAINTY along with SCLERANTHUS, WILD OAT, MUSTARD, CERATO, GENTIAN AND GORSE. It clears the head and makes life a pleasure again. It has mental fatigue after a prolonged convalescense. One sees demands only on the mental plane, or prolonged

consumption in the modern world. “nothing goes in.” It can be used in CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE and MENTAL RETARDATION, AND PROCRASTI-NATION. There is no willpower to push oneself. The person is overwhelmed and bored and irritable. The remedy can be used after A HEAD INJURY to help with concentration.

HONEYSUCKLE — This remedy treats homesickness and prolonged bereavement and belongs to the group, NOT SUFFICIENT INTEREST IN PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES along with HORNBEAM, CLEMATIS, WILD ROSE, WHITE CHESTNUT, MUSTARD, and CHESTNUT BUD. These individuals are not fully engaged in the here and now and live in the past. There is UNRESOLVED TRAUMA or SEVERE GRIEF like STAR OF BETHLEHEM as well as SLEEPINESS, LETHARGY, AND DIMINISHED VITALITY. It is especially useful in circumstances where children or partners are dying or have died.

IMPATIENS — The personality is irritable, tense, and driven. There is loneliness like HEATHER and WATER VIOLET. The state creates NERVOUS TENSION and CARDIOVASCULAR STRAIN. Inner tension mounts out of concern for others. NERVOUS BREAKDOWN. The individual is efficient with lots of skill and ability. They are leaders with short tempers, and are arrogant, intimidating and self centered. There is also a problem with impulse control and the remedy restores a balance of mind over emotions. A feeling of self mastery is achieved as with HOLLY and CHERRY PLUM AND VERVAIN. These individuals can experience HOT FLASHES, and are QUICK THINKING and NATURAL EXTROVERTS, and can suffer from SKIN RASHES.